Consultant Spotlight: Stephanie Peterson Earns Excel 2016 Expert Certification

We are pleased to announce that Stephanie Peterson has achieved her Excel 2016 Expert Certification. This certification requires candidates to have an advanced understanding of the Excel environment and the ability to guide others to the proper use of the program’s features.
Why did you decide to pursue the consultant path?
I choose to be a full-time consultant because I found, throughout my career, I was placed in roles to help with process improvements, and, once processes were streamlined, I tended to miss the “clean-up” process. When consulting came my way, I thought, what better way to continue doing what I love by being exposed to multiple companies in various industries with a focus on project-based work that is in line with my strengths and adding value in what I enjoy most.
What expectations should clients have from you as a consultant?
Clients should expect to receive a commitment to excellence, dedication, team player, motivated self-starter, and passionate learner who adapts well to changing environments. My results-driven character is attributed to my attention to detail, outstanding multi-tasking, organization, and data mining skills. Clients will always get the best from me.
Share one fun fact about yourself that would surprise people.
I am an adventure seeker who has:
- Traveled to Egypt, toured King Tut’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings, cruised the Nile River, visited the Great Pyramid of Giza and ancient temples.
- Completed a full marathon (26.2 miles) in Santa Barbara, CA.
- Completed a 50-mile bike race from Rosarito Beach to Ensenada, Mexico.
- Bungee jumped at Los Angeles’ Bridge to Nowhere constructed in 1936 over the San Gabriel River.
- Hiked up 2,830 stairs at Vancouver’s Grouse Grind.
- Walked atop the city walls of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Ate chicken feet at a night market in Vietnam.
This is a list of just a few of my most memorable adventures!
What are some of your favorite quotes?
“Developing a good work ethic is key. Apply yourself at whatever you do, because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.”
Tyler Perry
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”
Conrad Hilton
“Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make it Happen.”