Dak Gilinksy headshot

DLC Consultant Spotlight

Meet Scott Hepburn, CPA, CFE, PMP

Scott is an Accounting & Finance professional with over 20 years of experience across various industries. Scott has expertise in areas related to controllership, financial reporting, technical accounting, M&A, and has excellent project management experience leading large scale projects.

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Scott is here to support any of your interim needs, projects, or initiatives.

Dak Gilinksy headshot

Dak Gilinsky

Managing Director

Dak Gilinsky joined DLC in January 2018 as Managing Director for the Los Angeles market. In this role he oversees the Los Angeles DLC Sales team and is responsible for account management, business development, talent acquisition and retention for the consultant bench and internal roles, as well as overall management of market performance. Dak applies a broad knowledge of various industries and functions developed during his 9+ years in professional services, including management consulting, finance and accounting, and legal. He knows the LA market intimately, and has served many of the market’s top companies.

Previously, Dak helped to launch the Los Angeles office of Axiom, a leading provider of legal services. He then spent two years in management consulting, serving F-100 technology clients. In 2013, he was tasked with launching the Business Talent Group’s West Coast consulting practice. During his time with BTG Dak established relationships with corporate development, strategy, and operations groups at 50+ Fortune 1000 clients along the West Coast, driving rapid growth with high client satisfaction.

Dak is a SoCal native, a lover of all things outdoors and a frequent traveler. He received his BA/BS from UC Berkeley (with honors) and pursued additional accounting and finance education at UCLA.

“Provide a statement highlighting your knowledge of the industry or an experience with DLC. Help visitors get to know and trust you and DLC.”

Dak’s Expertise with DLC

  • CFO Services
  • Financial Planning & Analysis
  • Business Management & Strategy
  • Public Company Readiness
  • Technical Accounting
  • Private Equity Advisory

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Previous Experience

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Introduction Title

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